Paddra Nsu-Yeul has been freed of her power to see the future, but her being has been splintered among her numerous incarnations. The remains of Etro's temple lie on the edge of the Wildlands, where a cultists' encampment, known as Poltae, lies, where the Children of Etro banished from Luxerion live. A rejoiced Mog tries to hug Lightning, but she, not used to overt displays of affection, flicks him away. She protects the village from the Dryads that threaten the moogles and cheers Mog up by telling him Serah still needs him and asks him to be there when Serah awakes, in case she will be unable to. Mog attempts to run, but Lightning greets him with kindness. In Jagd Woods, Lightning comes across a moogle village whose headman is Mog, the same moogle Lightning sent to Serah's side with Noel Kreiss while she was fighting in Valhalla. The happiness of seeing his son awake saves Sazh's soul. Sazh picks up a toy airship and races the chocobo chick around the room with it, and Dajh awakes wanting to join in on the fun. Lumina explains Dajh is afraid of waking because of Sazh's scary expression, and the chocobo chick pecks some sense into him. Returning with the pieces, Sazh is overjoyed, but soon finds he cannot open the coffer and Dajh is still asleep. Lightning is saddened to see her former comrade so downcast and sets out to find Dajh's soul fragments herself. Lumina has given Sazh the coffer of souls to collect Dajh's soul fragments to wake him up, but Sazh has been unable to find single one of the fragments. Lightning encounters Sazh Katzroy who is taking care of his son, Dajh, who fell asleep after his soul was separated from him when the Chaos merged Gran Pulse with Valhalla. Lightning can then ride the Angel of Valhalla to explore the Wildlands. She brings it food and medicine until it recovers. Since it only reacts to Lightning, she is tasked with nurturing the chocobo back to health. She feels a peculiar connection to the creature she cannot explain, and the injured chocobo is taken to Canopus Farms for medical attention. She finds the chocobo under attacked from a Chocobo Eater, and saves the bird. Lightning is tasked with nursing the white chocobo back to health. She is led to Canopus Farms where the villagers direct her to the eastern ruins in search of the legendary chocobo. It is supposedly the source of the world's destruction, Lightning commenting that she met the unseen Chaos once in the past when she was brought to Valhalla. It turns out to be a legendary white chocobo, and as she searches for it, Hope tells her about a 'great Chaos' hidden beneath the Temple of the Goddess. Wildlands is the former site of Academia, its ruins still strewn about the area.Īs soon as Lightning arrives on the train she hears a mysterious voice emanating from the Chaos itself, telling her to seek the ' Angel of Valhalla'. The exact location is now known as Omega Point and is being researched by a group of researchers who have set up a camp on the eastern Eremite Plains. Wildlands is where the Chaos first erupted into Gran Pulse. The temple of the goddess and the great Chaos Some even claim to have seen the adorable creatures, fluttering through the forest at night like stuffed toys with wings. Rumors also so have it that a village of legendary creature called moogles lies somewhere deep in the forest. The forest is thick with monsters who prefer to live in the dark and shadowy places, and so it is the band's main hunting ground. Jagd Woods In the lush Jagd Woods stand the village of a hunting band and their faithful chocobo steeds. There is also a small camp of some kind in the northeast. Aryas Village to the south, raises Fuzzy Sheep, and in the woods of Jagd live chocobo-riding hunters. Near to the station is the farming village of Canopus Farms, famous for its fresh produce. Before it stand a village inhabited by those who worship Etro. This area was ground zero when the Chaos first flooded into the world from Valhalla, and it is here that you will find the temple of the goddess of death, transported from that other dimension. They live independently from the rest of the world, surviving directly off the land. The people of the wildlands are those who have grown weary of city life, or those seeking to escape the Order's influence. See also: Datalog (Final Fantasy XIII)/Locations An island of untamed wilderness where the grandeur of nature still survives, and many fierce monsters roam.